The exact identification of this Yoḥannəs is elusive. The subject is evidently a monk from the lineage of Takla Hāymānot, apparently the child of parents Gabra Masqal and Walatta Māryām and associated with monks ʾƎndrəyās and Mātewos.
The exact identification of this Yoḥannəs is elusive. The subject is evidently a monk from the lineage of Takla Hāymānot, apparently the child of parents Gabra Masqal and Walatta Māryām and associated with monks ʾƎndrəyās and Mātewos.
The exact identification of this Yoḥannəs is elusive. The subject is evidently a monk from the lineage of Takla Hāymānot, apparently the child of parents Gabra Masqal and Walatta Māryām and associated with monks ʾƎndrəyās and Mātewos.